Monthly Bulletin

June 2024 – Month of Open Doors

Welcome to JUNE
Our Month of OPEN DOORS – Revelation 3:8; Acts 16:26-27; Acts 12:16


We walk through several doors every day. Today alone, you may have
walked through five or more doors. If you try counting the number of
doors a person walks through in their lifetime, you will discover that
they are many.

You need open doors to move from one place to another and from one
level to another. On the other hand, a closed door means confinement
or being tied down to a particular place and this represents stagnation.
It is only when we have open doors that we get access to the blessings,
places, people and opportunities that we need for growth and progress
in life.

Revelation 3:7 describes Jesus as the One that opens a door which no
one can shut and the One that shuts a door which no one can open. This
means that in this life, everyone needs Jesus Christ to open certain doors
and to close certain doors. I pray that the Lord shall close every door in
your life that needs to be closed and He shall open all the doors that you
need open for your progress and fulfilment in life.

Both physical and spiritual doors have keys that open and close them.
In Matthew 16:19, God says that He has given us the keys to the
kingdom of heaven. The emphasis on keys means that more than one
key is required for open doors. While one key may open the door of
promotion, a different key may be required to open the door of healing.

Total submission to God is a major key needed for God’s divine
intervention in your life. It paves the way for praises – Acts 16:22-27
and answered prayers – Acts 12:1-7; Luke 11:5-10; Matthew 7:7.
Persistent prayer is also required for open doors. As you pray, all the
doors that have been closed against you will open and remain
permanently open in Jesus name.

……Pastor Adeoti

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